CryptoChess Queen Collection

CryptoChess Queen is a collection of 10,000 unique digital collectible NFTs that have been inspired by battles in chess games, where the Queen is a powerful, strong and fearless woman, besides being beautiful. She is the first CryptoChess created by the producer AndersonKad and published by the company Marshall NFTS.

The Rarest NFTs in the Collection

CryptoChess Queen

10 NFT's that are very rare

The Collection has 10,000 units, of which there are 10 NFT's that are very rare. These 10 units have the most difference of having the background in red or gold, the piece in red, and the queen and armor in the main combinations.

CryptoChess Queen

91 NFT's that are rare

The Collection has 10,000 units, of which there are 91 NFT's that are rare. These 91 units have a big difference of having the background in red or gold, the piece in white or black, and the queen and armor in the principal combinations.

CryptoChess Queen

9,899 unique and exclusive NFT's

The Collection has 10,000 units, which there are 9,899 unique and exclusive NFT's with the main combinations made by algorithms in the following order: golden background 5%, blue 15%, green 30%, gray 50% and black and white pieces being 50% each with the queen and armor in the main combinations.

How the Collection came about CryptoChess Queen

When I was asked to create an NFT collection, at first I found myself in a little dilemma; after all, there are so many things that excite me and that I would like to create and share; but I should start with something special, something that I like and that keep me excited throughout the entire creation process.

I have always found chess a fascinating game, the idea of two groups of warriors facing each other on a board with their pieces, where each one represents a patent and has unique and distinct characteristics. It excites me a lot, each game is like a saga describing the conflict between two mighty kingdoms and each piece is a hero in this battle.

That’s why I always wanted to cartoonize or animate these pieces like the characters I see in my imagination.

 So why not start my “career” in the world of NFTs with this amazing and exciting challening theme? I have  made the choice. Here is the Crypto Chess Collection.

The Queen the most powerful piece on the board has always been in my imagination as a powerful, strong, and fearless woman, as well as, of course, very beautiful. In this way, all my creations for  this character take a bit of my fascination about her. Starting this collection with this wonderful Lady was for sure the right thing to do.

By AndersonKad

How the Collection came about CryptoChess Queen

When I was asked to create an NFT collection, at first I found myself in a little dilemma; after all, there are so many things that excite me and that I would like to create and share; but I should start with something special, something that I like and that keep me excited throughout the entire creation process.

I have always found chess a fascinating game, the idea of two groups of warriors facing each other on a board with their pieces, where each one represents a patent and has unique and distinct characteristics. It excites me a lot, each game is like a saga describing the conflict between two mighty kingdoms and each piece is a hero in this battle.

That’s why I always wanted to cartoonize or animate these pieces like the characters I see in my imagination.

 So why not start my “career” in the world of NFTs with this amazing and exciting challening theme? I have  made the choice. Here is the Crypto Chess Collection.

The Queen the most powerful piece on the board has always been in my imagination as a powerful, strong, and fearless woman, as well as, of course, very beautiful. In this way, all my creations for  this character take a bit of my fascination about her. Starting this collection with this wonderful Lady was for sure the right thing to do.

By AndersonKad